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Competition 2025

Whether you're an avid hiker, a nature conservationist, or a garden lover, we all care about nature! It's a miracle of diversity, of which we are only a small part. Yet our way of life is largely responsible for the drastic decline in biodiversity—through the exploitation, destruction, and pollution of our environment. Pesticides are one of the many factors accelerating this decline.


But how much do you really know about pesticides? What's the situation here in Luxembourg? And do you know of any alternatives?


Test your knowledge with this quiz and with a little luck you could win great prizes!


Note on the competition:
By participating in the quiz, you agree that the Ouni Pesticides campaign may use your provided contact details (name/email) exclusively for the purpose of administering the competition. After the competition, you will receive an email from with the correct answers and notification of whether you are a winner.

Your contact details will not be used or passed on for advertising purposes.

1) How many products with active substances (active ingredient with killer effect) are permitted in Luxembourg? (As of 03/25)
2) Around 2,5 % of agricultural land is used for cotton. What percentage of the herbicides (agents against plants) used worldwide are used on these fields?
3) Active substances can be harmful to the environment, but what about household remedies such as beer, milk, salt or vinegar?
4) What can be done to protect against slugs and snails in the garden?
5) Which household remedies (diluted with water) help with fungal infections?
6) In Luxembourg, the use of pesticides in public and private spaces is prohibited!
7) What effects do pesticides, such as neonicotinoids, have on honey bees?
8) The common snail and ant repellents are not pesticides and only harm the target organisms and not the environment!
9) In a 2021 study by the LIH (Luxembourg Institute of Health), up to ___ pesticides were found in hair samples, which were mainly ingested through food.
10) Is the use of glyphosate banned in Luxembourg?

Coordinator of the campaign

Ëmweltberodung Lëtzebuerg (EBL) a.s.b.l

18D, rue de la Cimenterie

L-1337 Luxembourg 

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