Reducing pesticide use in communities and households is crucial to minimising environmental impacts and protecting human and natural health. A more conscious use of pesticides can help to reduce the burden on ecosystems and promote the long-term sustainability of agriculture and lifestyles. In this context, various solutions are presented here to encourage a rethink.
More tolerance and acceptance!
Meet alternative care methods with tolerance. Public pressure is often the trigger for increased use of pesticides on communal areas.
If you discover green roadsides, native plants, wild herbs or wall joint plants in your town, then this is a sign that the municipal areas are being maintained without poisons and means that the municipal administration is consciously committed to a healthy environment. The municipality is not lazy, but healthy.

Change beauty ideals!
Areas that are not used for commercial production should above all look ‘clean’, well-kept and ‘beautiful’. However, in this case ‘clean’ is ‘toxic’. Green instead of grey is life and provides variety and colour. Here, only the human sense of beauty determines whether a plant or an animal becomes a problem. Natural beauty concepts appreciate and tolerate a variety of wild herbs and animals. The result is an attractive appearance with significantly fewer pests and weeds.
Natural vegetation has its own charm and does not necessarily look untidy.
This means that even paving stones with green joints can look neat and tidy if they are mowed from time to time. Extensive perennial planting in flowerbeds is a visual boon and also reduces the growth of unwanted herbs.
Use alternatives!
The use of pesticides can generally be avoided in the garden, at home and when maintaining communal areas. There is a home remedy for many problems. If an organic garden is in balance, many measures are unnecessary anyway. Mechanical equipment can also be used for the maintenance of communal areas. The subsequent maintenance should be considered at the planning stage. The design determines the subsequent maintenance effort.

Rethink consumer behaviour
Those who favour organic and regional products when shopping eat healthier and also support agriculture that does not use pesticides and thus protects the environment in the region. When planning infrastructure, it is important to think about subsequent maintenance. The maintenance required depends heavily on the construction concept; this applies to communal areas such as public squares, paths and car parks as well as driveways and front gardens.
Avoid danger!
If it is necessary to use pesticides, it is essential to pay attention to the warnings on the product packaging. Appropriate protective clothing is also essential (gloves, safety goggles, protective clothing, etc.).
Pesticides must be stored carefully, especially to prevent children from coming into contact with the products. Residual products, i.e. empty bottles etc. must not be poured into the rubbish or down the drain. This puts people at risk and further pollutes the environment (especially water resources).

Observe warning notices!
R and S phrases (‘risk and safety phrases’) are codified warnings for characterising the hazard characteristics of hazardous substances and dangerous products made from them. Together with the hazard designations and the corresponding hazard symbols, they are the most important aids for labelling hazardous substances.
On the one hand, these notes and information visible on the products are intended to draw attention to possible hazards, explain safety instructions for handling and draw attention to possible effects on the environment. On the other hand, they also allow the buyer to assess the hazard potential of a product and, if necessary, to buy a less toxic product or a product that is adapted for the application.
This video was commissioned by the ‘Ouni Pesticides’ campaign and can be used by municipalities, companies and interested parties for educational purposes.