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Wildblumenwiese AdobeStock_215670306.jpg

Acquiring native plants and seeds

Seeds for a native wildflower meadow

Analyses have shown that the majority of conventional bedding and balcony plants are contaminated with pesticides and are therefore not suitable for pollinators. Based on this finding, the campaign therefore carries out annual analyses to determine pesticide contamination.

Flowers and plants not only fulfill aesthetic functions, but also provide an important source of food for insects and small animals. Plants treated with pesticides are therefore a treacherous source of food for these creatures. In order to consistently protect the natural environment from hazardous chemical substances, bedding and balcony plants must also be produced pesticide-free in the future.

The LUX mixtures from Wëllplanzesom Lëtzebuerg only contain species that occur naturally in Luxembourg. The organic cultivation of native wild plant seeds in Luxembourg is financed by the Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity, coordinated by SICONA and monitored by the MNHN. There are several mixtures to choose from.

Where can LUX mixtures be purchased?

100g packets of the three mixtures LUX flower meadow, LUX gravel lawn and LUX colorful border & butterfly plants are available in numerous sales outlets in Luxembourg for areas in residential areas of 25 - 50 m2


(Click here for the map of sales points).


All LUX blends can also be purchased in large quantities from the Barenbrug company in Ingeldorf or online in the Web-Shop of the Rieger-Hofmann company.




Gardener "Ouni Pestiziden"

These growers of flowers and plants produce and sell “Ouni pesticides”.
You will find the addresses of the growers further down on this page.


Ask specifically for plants that have been grown without pesticides, as there may also be conventional flowers in the store.

Species in the seed packets


Achillea millefolium.jpg
Agrimonia eupatoria_SICONA.jpg
Anthriscus sylvestris.jpg
Campanula rapunculus-2.jpg
Campanula rotundifolia.jpg
Centaurea cyanus _SICONA.jpg

Achillea millefollium

Common yarrow

Agrimonia eupatoria

Lesser Agrimony

Anthriscus sylvestris

Cow parsley

Campanula rapunculus

Rapunzel bellflower

Campanula rotundifolia

Round-leaved bellflower

Centaurea cyanus


Centaurea jacea s.str.-2.jpg

Centaurea jacea

Meadow knapweed

Centaurea scabiosa s.str.-2.jpg

Centaurea scabiosa

Scabious knapweed

Wood stitchwort (Cerastium holosteoides) with a hoverfly (Syrphus ribessi).jpg
Clinopodium vulgare.jpg
Crepis biennis.jpg
Daucus carota.jpg

Cerastium holosteoides

Common chickweed

Clinopodium vulgare

Common tortoiseshell

Crepis biennis

Meadow Hawksbill

Daucus carota

Wild carrot

Knautia arvensis.jpg
Leontodon hispidus_SICONA.jpg

Knautia arvensis

Field scabious

Leontodon hispidus

Rough Dandelion

Tiny small white hedge bedstraw flowers also called galium album. Botanical floral background
Galium verum.jpg
Hypochoeris radicata_SICONA.JPG

Galium album

White bedstraw

Galium verum

Common bedstraw

Hypericum perforatum

St. John's Wort

Hypochaeris radicata

Common pigweed

Leucanthemum ircutianum-2.jpg
Lychnis flos-cuculi.jpg
Malva moschata-2.jpg
Oenothera biennis.jpg
Origanum vulgare-2.jpg
Papaver rhoeas-2.jpg

Leucanthemum ircutianum


Lychnis flos-cuculi

Cuckoo campion

Malva moschata

Musk Mallow

Oenothera biennis

Biennial evening primrose

Origanum vulgare

Common oregano

Papaver rhoeas


Macro of blooming white Pimpinella Saxifraga or burnet-saxifrage flowers plant with blurre
Plantago lanceolata.jpg
Plantago media.jpg
Prunella vulgaris.jpg
Ranunculus acris.jpg
Rumex acetosa-2.jpg

Pimpinella saxifraga

Small burnet

Plantago lanceolata

Ribwort plantain

Plantago media

Middle plantain

Prunella vulgaris

Common Self-Heal

Ranunculus acris

Scharfer Hahenfuss

Rumex acetosa

Meadow sorrel

Salvia pratensis.jpg

Salvia pratensis

Meadow sage

Kulbaba autumn (lat. Scorzoneroides autumnalis) close up on the bark of a tree.jpg

Scorzoneroides autumnalis

Autumn dandelion

Silene dioica-2.jpg
Silene latifolia.jpg
Silene vulgaris.jpg
Thymus pulegioides.jpg

Silene dioica

red campion

Silene latifolia subsp. alba

White campion

Silene vulgaris

Common catchfly

Thymus pulegioides

Gewöhnlicher Thymian

Tragopogon pratensis _SICONA.jpg
Trifolium pratense-2.jpg
Verbascum nigrum.jpg
Vicia cracca.jpg

Tragopogon pratensis

Meadow goat's beard

Trifolium pratense

Red clover

Verbascum nigrum

Black Mullein

Vicia cracca

Bird vetch


Agrostis capillaris-2.jpg
Blades of Alopecurus pratensis, also known as the meadow foxtail, in close-up view on a bl
Arrhenatherum elatius-2.jpg

Agrostis capillaris

Red bentgrass

Alopecurus pratensis


Arrhenatherum elatius

smooth oats

Bromus hordeaceus-2.jpg
Red fescue with spikelets on the blurred background plants.jpg
Poa pratensis.jpg
Yellow oat grass ( (Trisetum flavescens) in flower against grassland background. Concepts

Bromus hordeaceus

Soft brome

Festuca rubra

Red fescue

Poa pratensis

Meadow grass

Trisetum flavescens

Golden oats

Coordinator of the campaign


Ëmweltberodung Lëtzebuerg (EBL) a.s.b.l

18D, rue de la Cimenterie

L-1337 Luxembourg 

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