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About us

For over 15 years, the “Ouni Pestiziden” campaign has been campaigning for the renunciation of pesticides in public spaces as well as in private households and in agriculture. Most of our work involves raising awareness and providing technical support to public authorities and political decision-makers, planning offices, gardening and landscaping businesses, citizens and other stakeholders who come into direct or indirect contact with pesticides. The campaign is committed to improving quality of life and preserving biodiversity. Partners and supporters of the campaign include nature and environmental protection organizations as well as private companies, public administrations, ministries and nature parks. Here you will find a brief overview of the history of the campaign and its major milestones:










Initial analyses of pesticide use in municipalities by Wasserhaus Attert, as well as the development of flyers and a preliminary stage of the current logo.

The initial project becomes a campaign and the first joint meetings are held between the Wasserhaus, natur&ëmwelt, SDK, SICONA and EBL. Individual players organize seminars or workshops.

The Year of Biodiversity. This is used to publicize the campaign at a national level for the first time. An entire action program is set up and the campaign takes part in the “Week without Pesticides” for the first time. The logo is revised and is still the official emblem of the campaign today. A first version of the declaration “Municipalities and schools without pesticides and herbicides” is sent to the municipalities by the campaign NOGM (Luxembourg without OGM - coordinated by Greenpeace).

EBL is confirmed as coordinator. The biological stations are integrated into the campaign. The Museum of Nature and the Syr Water Contract also join the campaign. Initial contacts are made with the Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland e.V. (BUND) and the OAI. "Wildflower seed project" becomes part of the campaign.


Status of pesticide use in the municipalities at the end of 2011:

  • 2 municipalities with 100% reduction

  • 20 further municipalities with reduction and political declaration of intent

  • 19 municipalities with slight reduction without political deliberation

The campaign is given a more formal framework with a partnership agreement.

The issues of “neonicotinoids” and “systemic pesticides” are taken up by the campaign and addressed with various activities to raise awareness among people and especially farmers. The campaign sends a representative to various committees of NOGM, Meng Landwirtschaft and SEED. Letter to the Minister on EU Directive 2009/128/CE with the proposal to collaborate on the national pesticide action plan.


Status of pesticide use in the municipalities at the end of 2012:

  • 11 municipalities with 100% abandonment

  • 19 municipalities with reduction and political declaration of intent

  • 33 municipalities with slight reduction without political deliberation

Partnership agreement comes into force. Publication of fact sheets with "good practices" for municipalities. Major publicity campaign throughout the year. Drafting of a legislative proposal on the renunciation of pesticides on public land.


Status of pesticide use in the municipalities at the end of 2013:

  • 17 municipalities with 100% ban

  • 24 municipalities with reduction and political declaration of intent

  • 28 municipalities with slight reduction without political deliberation

Introduction of 4 internal working groups “Public relations”, “Legislation”, ‘Regiosaatgut’ and “Area conservation”. By March 2014, the following partners had signed the partnership agreement: EBL, MDDI, AGE, ANF, natur&ëmwelt, Wasserhaus Attert, NP Öewersauer, NP Our, SDK, Ligue CTF, SICONA Center, SICONA Ouest, FUAL. 1st major demo day with presentations by experts and demonstrations and expo by equipment manufacturers for pesticide-free land maintenance. Development of an extensive exhibition on the subject of pesticides.


Status of pesticide use in the municipalities at the end of 2014:

  • 24 municipalities with 100% reduction

  • 21 municipalities with reduction and political declaration of intent

  • 27 municipalities with slight reduction without political deliberation

The campaign receives an award at the "Präis Hëllef fir d'Natur 2014"!!!  Start of the "Pesticide-free ornamental plants" project by the Regiosaatgut working group. Seminar "Alternatives to the use of pesticides" at INAP.


Status of pesticide use in the municipalities at the end of 2015:

- 42 municipalities with 100% no use

- 22 municipalities with reduction and political declaration of intent

- 22 municipalities with slight reduction without political deliberation

The new Plant Protection Products Act comes into force and bans the use of pesticides on public land from January 1, 2016: a contribution to and a great success of the campaign. From now on, the focus is on supporting the municipalities in switching to alternative methods, including the organization of the 2nd major demo day on alternative land maintenance methods. Tour of the municipalities with many presentations on the subject of “Working without pesticides”. Partnership agreement: SEED joins the campaign. A model delivery for municipalities is drawn up on the subject of “Pesticide-free flowers”. Cooperation with the INDR - integration of campaign criteria into the RSE label.


Continuation of the awareness-raising tour through the municipalities. Letter to Agriculture Minister Fernand Etgen in the run-up to the vote at EU level on narrowing the approval of glyphosate and public statement after the failed vote. Cooperation with BeeTogether for the protection of pollinator insects.


Information stands at various festivals and events and continuation of the tour in the municipalities. First tests of pesticide-free flowers in the laboratory. Partnership agreement: Syndicat des Eaux du Sud (SES) and LTA Ettelbrück join the campaign.


Publication of a practical guide for municipalities “Creation of near-natural green spaces in residential areas” and a “Wildflower meadow user guide”. Launch of wildflower seed mixtures with adapted species for Luxembourg and publication of the brochure “Problem plants in wildflower meadows”. Partnership agreement: The AEV joins the campaign.


Letter to the Minister regarding the disinfection of public spaces and street furniture as part of the fight against the coronavirus pandemic. Public relations work on the subject of disinfection with bactericides, virucides and other biocides.


10th edition of the “Pesticide-free week” in Luxembourg with publication of individual tutorials on pesticide-free working. New edition of the test series of the “pesticide-free flowers” project in the municipalities.


Reorganization of the campaign. Relaunch of the plans in a large group with nine stakeholders. Creation of 2 large working groups “near-natural garden” and “pesticide-free perennial production”. Isolated public relations work.


Regular meetings of the two working groups “near-natural garden” and “pesticide-free perennial production”. Occasional public relations work.


Regular meetings of the two working groups “near-natural garden” and “pesticide-free perennial production”. Occasional public relations work.


The campaign writes an open letter to the government in which it regrets the decision to authorize the active ingredient glyphosate for another 10 years in the European Union and calls on the Luxembourg government to spare no effort to limit the use of glyphosate and other synthetic pesticides as much as possible.

Coordinator of the campaign


Ëmweltberodung Lëtzebuerg (EBL) a.s.b.l

18D, rue de la Cimenterie

L-1337 Luxembourg 

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